Penelitian: Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis Siswa Tingkat Sekolah Dasar di Kotamadya Yogyakarta


This study aims to describe the attainment of mathematical problem solving ability among elementary school students in Yogyakarta Municipality and to describe errors that they make in answering the items in the test of mathematical problem solving ability.
This was a qualitative and case study research. The research population comprised all elementary school students in Yogyakarta Municipality. Then, 3 elementary schools in Yogyakarta Municipality were randomly selected based on upper, middle, and lower ranks, namely SD Negeri Ungaran Yogyakarta, SD Bina Anak Sholeh Yogyakarta, and SD Negeri Karanganyar Yogyakarta. The study was carried out in Grade V in November 2015. The research instruments were a test of mathematical problem solving ability and an interview guide. Based on the data from the test of mathematical problem solving ability, interviews were conducted by involving 5 students from each elementary school.
The results of the study show that the mathematical problem solving ability among elementary school students in Yogyakarta Municipality is still low, namely less than 68. Their mathematical problem solving ability at the stage of understanding a problem is 52.37%, at the stage of planning to solve a problem it is 29.091%, at the stage of solving a problem it is 23.09%, and at finding out an alternative it is 8.88%. The results indicate that many students have not attained the stage of rechecking by finding out an alternative way (solution). The errors that the students often make include inaccurate data, inaccurate procedures, unavailable conclusions, skill hierarchy problems, and indirect manipulations.

Keywords: mathematical problem solving ability, students’ errors


Nama                           : Trisniawati, S.Si, M.Pd.
Tempat/Tgl. Lahir        : Yogyakarta, 27 Oktober 1987
Alamat                         : Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Pendidikan                   : S2 Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
                                       S1 Matematika Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Pekerjaan                     : Dosen Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
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Pengabdian Masyarakat di SD Negeri Wirosaban Yogyakarta: ANALISIS BUTIR SOAL DENGAN ANATES

ANATES merupakan sebuah program aplikasi komputer yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis butir soal. Program ini sangat bermanfaat khususnya bagi para guru umumnya para pemerhati evaluasi pendidikan. Program ini dikembangkan oleh Bapak Drs. Karno To, M.Pd. seorang dosen Psikologi di UPI dan Bapak Yudi Wibisono, S.T. seorang konsultan komputer.
Fasilitas yang ada dalam program ANATES
Penyekoran Data, meliputi:
a.       Memasukan skor data hasil tes
b.      Membobot skor data sesuai yang dibutuhkan
           Pengolahan Data, meliputi:
a.       Reliabilitas
b.      Kelompok unggul dan asor
c.   Daya Pembeda
d.      Tingkat Kesukaran Soal
e.       Korelasi skor butir soal dengan skor total
f.       Kualitas pengecoh


Abstract: Mathematics learning should be more varied methods and strategies in order to optimize the potential of the student. Selection of methods, strategies, and approaches in designing the learning model in order to achieve an active and meaningful learning is a demand that must be met for teacher. Learning of mathematics which enables fun learning and is done naturally, so student can perform directly the things learned. It is appropriate with contextual teaching and learning is a concept that helps teacher relate the contents of the subject matter with the real world so that learning is more meaningful. In geometry content, teacher should be able to use contextual teaching and learning and also give an innovative questions that can improve higher order thinking skills of the students.

Keywords: contextual teaching and learning, geometry, and innovative questions